Sine Reker Hadrup

Professor, group head ‘T cells & Cancer’ Head of Sections, Experimental and Translational Immunology Department of Health Technology

Group / Partner:

Sine Reker graduated as a human biologist from the University of Copenhagen in 2002 and took her PhD there in 2006. She has been a postdoc at the Netherlands Cancer Institute and Group Leader at the National Center for Cancer Immune Therapy at Herlev Hospital.

She has been employed at DTU since 2014, and was appointed professor in 2017. She is co-inventor of seven issued/pending patents in the United States, among other countries. Two of the patent families are licensed to the biotech companies Immudex, ImmuMap, Tetramer Shop, and PokeAcell.

In 2020, she received the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s EliteForsk Award, which is given to young researchers who conduct groundbreaking research and contribute to solving global challenges. See



Sine Reker Hadrup has published more than 70 articles in scientific journals. The research results have been published in Nature & Science as well as in other internationally recognized scientific journals, and her work has been quoted more than 5,000 times in the scientific literature.