Collaborations with relevant initiatives funded by the European Commission
To define and further investigate which mechanisms and variants may affect the course of the diseases caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza virus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and to understand and manage infectious disease cohort studies for better diagnosis, treatment and management of viral infections in future pandemics, REACT consortium will participate and engage with similar initiatives in regular joint meetings with the leaders of these consortia to update and align each other’s activities.
Cohort Coordination Board
The CCB is a board that aims to encourage knowledge-sharing between EU-funded projects to spark partnerships, discuss similar challenges and reduce overlap between projects. It is comprised of European Commission representatives, EU-funded projects conducting COVID-19 cohort-based research, other relevant initiatives, partners from industry and other stakeholders to update each other on project progress and results and share common experiences and challenges.
The CCB is focused on supporting the scientific value and impact of cohort studies in Europe and promoting their use in policy-making and the development of evidence-based guidelines and recommendations.
The CCB members recognise the need, and the benefit, of joint coordination efforts in Europe in clinical research during outbreaks of infectious diseases and in interepidemic phases and are committed to the continuation, expansion and sustainability of such activities.
The CCB is currently coordinated by the University of Verona, with Professor Tacconelli as Board Chair.

ORCHESTRA Connecting European Cohorts to Increase Common and Effective Response to SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
University of Verona, Italy
ORCHESTRA is an international research project aimed at tackling the coronavirus pandemic, led by the University of Verona and involving 26 partners from 15 countries. The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the ERAvsCORONA Action Plan which was developed jointly by Commission services and national authorities.
It aims at establishing an international large-scale cohort for the conduct of retrospective and prospective studies in order to generate rigorous evidence to improve the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, to be better prepared for future pandemics. It includes representatives of the general population, COVID-19 patients, special ‘at risk’ populations of fragile individuals and health care workers.

The BeYond-COVID project aims to make COVID-19 data accessible and provides a framework for making data from other infectious diseases open and accessible to everyone. BY-COVID will build and expand upon the successful European COVID-19 Data Platform, which ensures that data produced locally can be instantaneously connected, analysed and shared.

European COVID-19 Data Platform
The COVID-19 Data Portal brings together relevant datasets for sharing and analysis in an effort to accelerate coronavirus research. It enables researchers to upload, access and analyse COVID-19 related reference data and specialist datasets as part of the wider European COVID-19 Data Platform.

Find tools and guidelines to help you access, analyse and share infectious disease data, and respond quickly to disease outbreaks. The Infectious Diseases Toolkit (IDTk) is a community effort to expose best practices and showcase solutions to data challenges affecting the response to infectious diseases outbreaks. It was created as part of the BY-COVID project.

ENDvoc Ending Covid 19 variants of concern through cohort studies
The END-VOC consortium aims to support the European and global response to the COVID-19 pandemic and Variants of Concern (VOC) through well-established cohorts across the world. By analyzing data from the cohorts, the consortium aims to detect and characterise emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants, including transmissibility, pathogenicity, and their capacity to cause reinfections or Long Covid. This information will support best control strategies regarding diagnostics, vaccination and treatment. END-VOC will also provide recommendations to improve the management of future infectious disease outbreaks. The 19 partners of the consortium constitute an interdisciplinary team working closely with different existing networks European and international initiatives.

EuCARE European Cohorts of Patients and Schools to Advance Response to Epidemics
A Horizon Europe project coordinated by EuResist Network GEIE, Italy
EuCARE focuses on SARS-COV-2 variants, to assess the impact of Covid19 on hospitalized patients, long COVID patients in or out of hospital, vaccines efficacy, schools & kindergartens, and to find better strategies to minimise it. Studies are carried out with the support of strong immuno-virological and artificial intelligence components over a five-year timeline, by a network of 19 partners and 9 subcontractors pooling prospective as well as retrospective information from healthcare centres and cohorts in five continents, to find answers to urgent scientific and social questions and contribute to the preparedness effort.

unCoVer Unravelling Data for Rapid Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Belgium
It is a functional network of partners capable of harvesting and utilizing real-world data (RWD) derived from the response and provision of care to patients by the health systems across Europe, and internationally during the COVID-19 pandemic. These RWD comprise mostly information from electronic medical records from front-line hospitals, as well as national surveillance data, and registries. The network integrates 29 partners from 18 countries providing information of over 50,000 COVID-19 patients accessed through a federated learning infrastructure providing privacy-preserving analytics on patient characteristics, determinants of disease prognosis, and safety and effectiveness of treatments and potential strategies against COVID-19. More information, and access to unCoVer’s analytic dashboard is available at unCoVer is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 101016216.

SYNCHROS SYNergies for Cohorts in Health: integrating the Role of all Stakeholders
The objective of SYNCHROS was to create a sustainable European strategy for the development of a next generation of integrated cohorts population, patient and clinical trial cohorts. SYNCHROS addressed the practical, ethical and legal, and the methodological challenges to optimising the exploitation of current and future cohort data, mapped the cohort landscape in Europe and large international initiatives, identified the best methods for integrating cohort data, identified solutions for addressing practical, ethical and legal challenges in integrating data across patient, clinical trial and population cohorts, and evaluated the use of emerging and new data collection technologies and types of data.

ISIDORe – Integrated Services for Infectious Diseases Outbreak Research
The ISIDORe project assembles the largest and most diverse collection of research and service-providing facilities to study infectious diseases in Europe, with expertise from structural biology to clinical trials. By giving scientists access to the whole extent of the state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge services, advanced equipment and expertise, in an integrated way and with a common goal, it will accelerate the generation of new knowledge and intervention tools to enhance Europe’s capacity for controlling (re)emerging and epidemic infectious diseases, starting with the COVID-19 pandemic

EOSC-Life – Building a digital space for the life sciecnes
EOSC-Life brings together the 13 Life Science ‘ESFRI’ research infrastructures (LS RIs) to create an open, digital and collaborative space for biological and medical research. The project publishes ‘FAIR’ data and a catalogue of services provided by participating RIs for the management, storage and reuse of data in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).