Eva Ortega-Paíno

Biobanco | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, CNIO

Group / Partner:

Eva Ortega-Paino is Ph.D. in Chemistry (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), from the Complutense University of Madrid. She completed her doctoral thesis at the Immunology Department at Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid. She took her postdoc in Sweden in the Department of Immunotechnology at Lund University where she lived for 17 years, with a brief stay in Norway.

Eva has 30 years of experience in the Health Sector, the University and the Biotechnology Industry (Oslo. Norway), mainly in the area of oncology and immunology. In the last 8 years Eva has been working as scientific coordinator in the Biobanking area for BBMRI Sweden (Biobanking and Molecular Resource Infrastructure of Sweden), now Biobank Sweden, as well as project manager in a Swedish national initiative on strategic innovation programs, Swelife, financed by Vinnova.


Back in Spain, in September 2019, she took on the Scientific Direction of the CNIO Biobank, and in 2021 she was appointed coordinator of the biobank hub within the national platform of Biobanks and Biomodels of the Carlos III Health Institute, scientific coordinator for Spain in the National Node in BBMRI-ERIC, as well as Managing Director of the National Brain Metastasis Network (RENACER).

Since 2019, she has also assumed the position of Secretary General of the Network of Associations of Spanish Researchers Abroad (RAICEX) and collaborate in the Spanish Broadcast (RNE), Radio Exterior, as science broadcaster.